Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Cycle of Injustice.

I believe my favorite section of this whole book honestly was from the article of "Native Crime" written by Arthur Jarvis, and read by James Jarvis after his son's death. This hit the Cycle of Injustice write on the nose in my opinion. His eloquence and interpretation of various events and circumstances around him brought to the writing of a fantastic article in my opinion.
Arthur Jarvis said, "It was permissible to develop our great resources with the aid of what labour we could find. It was permissible to use unskilled men unskilled for the sake of unskilled work."  In this quote he justifies what once done. The people found wealth and the unskilled who needed jobs worked. It was permissible then.

Arthur Jarvis continued however saying, "But it is no longer permissible in the light of what we know. Partly because it made possible industrial development, and partly because it happened in spite of us, there is now a large urbanized native population. Now the society has always, for reasons of self-interest if for no other, educated its children so that they grow up law-abiding, with socialized aims and purposes. there is no other way that it can be done. yet we continue to leave the education of our native urban society to those few Europeans who feel strongly about it, and to deny opportunities and money for its expansion. That is not permissible. For reasons of self-interest alone, it is dangerous.....it is not permissible to watch its destruction, and to replace it by nothing, or by so little, that a whole people deteriorates, physically and morally." Jarvis explains people can't live this way. It was permissible to use people with poor education to build the mines as well as start to build a society. They now have a society and more education, but for the Europeans, and for the white man's self-interest they kept the blacks out of education and denied them the opportunities to make better of themselves. This led to crimes of the black people because they can no longer trust the white man as they watch them deteriorate as a race by their own fault. With the poor conditions of the blacks came the native crime that was so infamous in the book. People were in a way forced to become prostitutes, brewers, and others of the sorts just to be able to provide a living for themselves.  

The Cycle of Injustice is showed quite obviously here as it shows the basis of the white man blaming the black man for something that the white created. One article that I found interesting was about a group of people in a community who had come up with "Mob Justice" which took the roles of the courts to the people's own terms. Sounds good right? Wrong. It showed people being punished for things that they didn't even do or the wrong was far lighter than the punishment was. The reason was partly from the distrust of the courts that was brought from the apartheid movement showing how the injustice back then brought fear and distrust to the present.

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